MaxLife Moments

Spiritual Disciplines: Simplicity 

Are you being pushed along in life by the fast-paced world around you? Do you long for a simpler life? What does a simpler life look like to you? 

I have started a journey of discovery in 2025 to find what a simpler life looks like to me. So far, I have more on my weekly schedule than ever before (so am I really headed in the right direction??). Join me as I walk out the word "Simplicity" this year and see how to make this word come alive. 

Is this from Trauma?

Are you experiencing the effects of trauma without realizing it? Some effects of trauma can be uncontrollable thoughts, anxiety, and a lower tolerance for stress. Recently, my current husband, Brian, had to undergo a GI surgery. My first husband, Marc, died from colon cancer at 51 years-old. My mind started filling with fear thoughts (What if they find cancer? Brian is the same age Marc was when died... what if something happens during surgery, etc) You get the picture... uncontrolled thoughts...catastrophizing thoughts (picturing negative options). I was doing this instead of standing in faith for Brian's healing and positive outcome from surgery. Why? Because of the trauma that 3 1/2 years of cancer treatments, surgeries and fear had created in my "brain" and in my emotions.

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