Is this from Trauma?

Published on 30 June 2023 at 19:19

Are you experiencing the effects of trauma without realizing it? Some effects of trauma can be uncontrollable thoughts, anxiety, and a lower tolerance for stress. Recently, my current husband, Brian, had to undergo a GI surgery. My first husband, Marc, died from colon cancer at 51 years-old. My mind started filling with fear thoughts (What if they find cancer? Brian is the same age Marc was when died... what if something happens during surgery, etc) You get the picture... uncontrolled thoughts...catastrophizing thoughts (picturing negative options). I was doing this instead of standing in faith for Brian's healing and positive outcome from surgery. Why? Because of the trauma that 3 1/2 years of cancer treatments, surgeries and fear had created in my "brain" and in my emotions.

My uncontrolled thoughts effected how I handled stress at work. It effected my sleep which effected my concentration, mood, and peace. Long story short...Brian's surgery went well, he is recovering today and none of the negative thoughts manifested. So, all that stress and worry was for nothing. And I had to look back and say why...why did I go there and it hit me "Trauma is not always from abuse, war, or disaster. It can be from going through grief and loss, a long illness, a controlling relationship, or another event that negatively impacts your mind and emotions."

So, what did I do to combat these thoughts/emotions? One, I reached out to other believers and asked for prayer. Prayer changes things and brings supernational strength. Two, I recognized that the root of my thoughts was "FEAR." Yes, fear of the unknown future, fear of death, fear of pain, fear of loss, fear of going through a long-term illness with my husband. I had to recognize and renounce "FEAR." As the song says "FEAR...he is a liar." I had to say (sometimes out loud, "That is not true"). Three, I had to stand in FAITH (trust God for the outcome). Speak truth about God's "steadfast love" and that He "has dealt bountifully with me" (Psalm 13:5-6 ESV). If God has shown His love to me and has dealt graciously and bountifully with me in the past, then why should I doubt Him now? And if a "bad outcome" occurs, I have to remember He never promised no pain, trouble or problems in this life ("in this world you will have tribulation"), but He promised me that He has "overcome the world" (John 16:33) and that He will be with me "until the end of the age" (Matt. 28:20). He promised His presence! No matter what you are going through JESUS is present with you in it and through it! Finally, I had to praise HIM! Look at Psalm 13 again "my heart will rejoice in your salvation" and "I will sing to the Lord." Take your worry and anxiety and change it to worship! You can't worry and worship at the same time! When the thoughts come "WORSHIP!"

These verses sum it up: "Rejoice [worship] in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice." (Phil. 4:4). "...The LORD is at hand [present], do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving [worship] let your requests be made known to God. And the PEACE of God, will surpass all UNDERSTANDING [thoughts], will guard [protect] your hearts and your MINDS in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:5b-7). 

So if you are facing a situation that triggers past trauma and tries to get you on the road to worry, then pray (get others praying), remember the truth, worship/rejoice, and you will receive peace which will calm those thoughts, and HIS peace will guard your hearts and minds IN CHRIST JESUS! Blessings to you!

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